Here are a list of 5 ideas for using effective Gospel Literature for spreading faith when travelling long distances:

When visiting service stations, take a pile of tourist flyers. Sit down somewhere (over a coffee or when eating your lunch in your car) and put a Gospel tract in each. Return the flyers to where you picked them up from. Why do this? a) Because it can reach many people who you would not otherwise be able to have a conversation with. b) It's easy and quick to do. c) You could cause someone else to have a conversation in a vehicle with other people about eternal things.
Leave a Gospel tract in your hotel room and reception. You could also place one in a "feedback box." Why do this? a) When left in your room - why not leave a tip for the cleaner to make the experience extra memorable. This would be a good thing to do with our "Thank you" card. b) It's easy and free to do if you order our free Gospel tracts.
Whenever stopping near houses that have letterboxes, spend some time posting tracts through the doors (we have had Bible requests this way and Gospel flyer orders!) Why do this? a) Someone will highly likely pick it up, and probably read it. b) You will reach a person who may never step foot in a church - they could be house bound! c) It's easy to do and does not take very long to do - and yet can reach many people!
If you see a church on your travels, post one of our tracts "are you born again?" Through a letterbox, or leave inside if the church is open. Why do this? a) People in a church will naturally be ready to read about eternal things. b) It could be the first time a professing Christian becomes aware of the need to be born again (and what that looks like).
When making a purchase at a shop, when you receive change / receipt. Hand the cashier one of our business card sized tracts, such as our thank you card or free gift card. Why do this? a) It's something that can be done at any shop - how often do you go to a shop and buy something? b) It's very practical, free and easy to do.
Remember to pray before, after and during your opportunities to speak and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ! What ways do you use to reach people with the Gospel when you go on a long journey? Let us know!