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Free Christian Gospel Flyers: "Optical Illusions" (A6 flyer, folds in half)

Writer's picture: Nigel WilliamsNigel Williams
Free Christian Gospel flyers delivered to you
Door to door Bible flyer

From our Free flyers range: "Optical Illusions". To view the full design of this flyer, click here.

The front of this design contains the image you see here. If you look at the + and move the image backward and forward. This gives the illusion that the rings are moving.

On the inside is the following message:

Illusions reveal we can easily be fooled. Perhaps you’ve fallen for the illusion that there is nothing after death. Deep down, we all know life here is fragile. God's Word, the Holy Bible, says that we are a mist that appears for a little while & then vanishes

(see James 4:14). Yet, life after death is real & there are only two destinations: heaven or hell.

Because of our sin against God (lying, theft, blasphemy, covetousness, drunkenness, etc.), we all deserve God’s judgment in eternal hell.

But God, in His love, has made a way to be saved from His judgment & receive total forgiveness.

Jesus Christ lived a sinless, perfect life. He died on the cross to take the punishment for the sins of those who will turn to Him. “He rose again the third day according to the scriptures”

(see 1 Cor 15:4).

To get right with God, He calls us to repent—to turn from our sinful lifestyle & rebellion, & trust in Jesus' finished work on the cross (not trusting in any of our own "good works"). Humbly seek Him on His terms. He will make you a new creature & give you the gift of knowing a right relationship with Him & enjoying Him forever.

Don’t wait—turn to Jesus today! Read His Word, the Holy Bible, starting with the Gospel according to John.

The flyer contains a offer of a free Bible for anyone who is seeking to learn more about the Christian faith. Click here if you would like one.

To see the full design of this flyer, click here

Each of these Gospel flyers have a gap for writing contact details. Alternatively, we can supply you with bulk quantities printed with your own details.

To order free copies of our free Christian flyers (subject to stock availability), click here: Free Christian Gospel leaflets, delivered to your door.

Have you used this flyer? Why not comment below with your experience.

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