"Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." Luke 14:23
Why did we print this tract?

Yesterday I missed a call while several of us were having a joyous time of giving out tracts in our local village precinct. Usually I am exhausted after such a venture. But this time was different. It was a Friday, the end of the day and print tends to not happen as much over a weekend.
The caller was urgently looking for a suitable tract to be used at the Euro 2020 finals happening in London next week. Ideally wanting a large amount printed and delivered by / on Tuesday. Less than three working days!
Initially I thought, no, not possible, especially as there was no tract designed and written. Or was there?
When a brother came to me a year or so ago, he wanted a tract, where the wording was fairly suitable for a general Gospel tract. I was pretty slow off the mark realising what had come my way (I am usually quite slow on the best of days!).
But it was not until the COVID situation reared it's ugly head that I thought I could adapt the wording for the printed Virus tract (and it has taken me over a year to realise that this tract is good for any virus, because there could be more in the future).
So, after thinking and praying about it, I thought I could do something similar. New front cover, title and adjusted intro to the message - should not take long.
I started to research what was already out there. A lot of cheesy humour "Jesus Saves" with a goalkeeper catching a ball - play on words with penalties etc.
And then I had it.
But what struck me the most was not working out the wording and design. It was the idea of equiping people to reach thousands going in and out of football matches across the land! SO exciting! Why did I not have a tract like this already?? I ask that about most tracts that we have developed.
I had to restrain myself, because I like a good pun (or not so good, depending on your sense of humour!) - As you can see in the design, there are a few play on words. But I called the final whistle on bring on more players in the tract. It's important that the message is serious - because we are looking to pursuade hearts to consider grave eternal truths.
I think this is the quickest time a tract has been developed! The brother who called me about this said the tract was "brillliant" and there is an order for 10,000 due for delivery on Tuesday. I love it when a plan comes together.
There are a further 20,000 on the press, ready to give away as a first batch to anyone who would like some. I have the design all ready here on our website as you can see. I am itching to offer this out to people!
I am already thinking about what other tracts can be produced for events - where lots of people are naturally gathered together. We already have a tract that is popular for rock concerts - click to view that one here.
Do you have any ideas of events that a tract can be developed for? Football and Music are very popular in the UK.
Where can you use this Football tract?
It may be very obvious with this one - before and after a football match. But actually, I think there is room to use it as a general tract - especially when you consider how obsessed people are when England play - more so when they win! I would say a good time to use it generally would be when England are playing in a major competition. Or, outside your local football stadium as the crowd gather to go into the grounds - perhaps walk along the queue handing them out? Consider travelling to football grounds in the area on a rotating basis - be sure to check they are playing at home. Maybe alternate between the home team side of the stadium and the visitors. The visitors will probably be new each time you do go.
Why not visit your local library and place a tract in the football books or year albums?
Don't forget the small clubs too.
Take it one step further
"consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works" Hebrews 10:24
Don't forget to encourage other Christians to use these too! - Show them how easy they are to use, or share with them a story of how you have used them. Tell them they can request them free through the detail on each tract. Point them to this article to show them how useful the tract is and where they could place them.
Speak with your pastor too to see if he might encourage folks in the work - how about a team once a month from your church to especially target football crowds?
Remember to pray about them before and after, that you might be led where the Lord would have you go. That He might prepare hearts to read them and work in them and their household.
Can you think of anything to add to this article? Contact us with your stories and ideas.
For His Glory.
Did you know, with every free Football Gospel tract we send out, it includes the offer of a free Holy Bible uk?
At Printing Evangelism, we are pleased to offer complimentary Bible posters and Evangelism resources. We extend an invitation to those in the midst of exploring the journey toward becoming born-again Christians and contemplating life's profound questions. Consider accepting a Bible as part of our sincere commitment aligned with the great commission. Our goal is to facilitate accessible entry to Godâs Word for anyone keen on embracing the uplifting Name of the Lord. Your journey is meaningful, and we stand ready to assist you at every stage.
Click here to read our full article about why we offer a free Bible uk.If you are looking for a free Christian Bible, fill in the form on our page here: www.free-Bible.co.uk