Here are a list of 5 ideas for using printed Gospel literature for neighbourhood evangelism:

Post one of our free Gospel tracts through a letterbox (read our letterbox article here). Why do this? a) Because it definately gets the Gospel into the hands of someone. b) It's easy and costs you nothing. c) We have had Bible requests through letterbox evangelism!
Display one of our free Bible verse posters in your window (click here to order a free Christian poster). Why do this? a) Because many people come to your door or walk by each day and will read them. b) It's easy to do (and free) and you reach many people that way. c) It's a great way to generate conversations.
Post a greeting card through the door (containing a Gospel flyer or Christian message) at Christmas and / or Easter time. Why do this? a) It's a thoughtful thing to do - especially if written with a personal message "we are praying for you and our community". b) It can help start a Gospel conversation the next time you see them. c) Why not include a free gift too? It's a great way to be a good witness. Especially to those who have had a bad experience of Christianity.
Post leaflets and invites through the doors with details of church events that you would like them to come along to (we can help with the printing and design of such flyers - contact us). Why do this? a) It encourages people to connect with the local church / hear about important things. b) It can be hard for someone to step foot in a church - an invite may help that happen. c) It could encourage them to discuss eternal things with other people at the meetings.
Encourage other Christians to reach their neighbours using the ways described above. Why do this? a) "let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works" Hebrews 10:24 b) "exhort one another daily, while it is called To day" hebrews 3:13 c) Many more people can be reached that way.
Remember to pray before, after and during your opportunities to speak and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Can you think of ways to reach your neighbours with the Gospel? Please share them with us.