1. Tracts are the Gospel prayerfully extended from the scriptures: outstretched arms of love where many may never read a Bible, enter a Church or talk with a believer.
2. An uncompromised silent preacher: a bridge from the lost to conversation with (or in addition to contact with) the believer: A 'jigsaw piece' or 'seed' in the Lord's plan of redemption.
3. The words of men are weak and changeable, but the Word of God is powerful and lasts forever.
4. Circumstances can make difficult the message to share, but the tract can be prayerfully transferred in a moment.
5. They work with/for all manner of Christian, bold or fearful, to meet the desires/burden of their hearts: to reach the world, (fulfilling the great commision): strangers, friends and loved ones with the urgent truth of His Gospel.
"When preaching and private talk are not available, you need to have a tract ready . . . Get good striking tracts, or none at all. But a touching gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Therefore, do not go out without your tracts."
- Charles Spurgeon
Did you know, with every printed free Gospel tract we send out, it includes the offer of a free Holy Bible uk?
At Printing Evangelism, we joyfully share free Bible posters and Evangelism resources. We warmly invite those who haven't experienced the transformative joy of being born-again Christians and are exploring life's profound questions to receive a Bible. Aligned with the great commission, our heartfelt mission is to make God’s Word easily accessible for all who desire to embrace the Name of the Lord.
Click here to read our full article about why we offer a free Bible uk.If you are looking for a free Christian Bible, fill in the form on our page here: www.free-Bible.co.uk