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Writer's pictureNigel Williams

Easy Evangelism: 5 ideas for Spreading the Gospel on social media

Here are a list of 5 ideas for easy evangelism on social media

1. Simply offer your contacts a free Bible - point them to our free Bible resource.

Easy evangelism by way of social media websites
Use Facebook and Instagram to evangelise.

Why do this? a) Because they may never have owned a Bible or met a true Christian to speak with about it. b) It's easy and quick to do. c) It is the greatest gift you can give to anyone.

2. Share a Gospel video, we have some of these on our social media pages. Why do this? a) Videos are very popular today with millions and millions of people spending more time than ever on social media. b) It's easy and completely free to do. c) They might share it on, or other Christians might also share it to their contacts.

3. Share one of our scripture posts, or other Christian posts to stimulate conversation. Ask questions to do with what they believe. Why do this? a) "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17 b) You will reach a person who may never step foot in a church or pick up a Bible. c) "the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit" Hebrews 4:12

4. Post invites to your church outreach events or Bible studies (take a photo of the flyer and share it). Why do this? a) It's the same reason why you would print one an put it through the door. It reaches people. But a social media post will reach more people than one flyer can. b) Other Christians will be inspired to share the post too if you mention it to them and they are on the same social media platform. c) It's free and easy to do.

5. Video record a message. Maybe your testimony or message from the heart about eternal things. Then share on social media. Why do this? a) Unlike printed literature, speaking on a video can convey a message with feelings and true expressions. b) Other people might share it to further the message. c) Be sure to use scriptures for reasons mentioned in number 3 above.

Remember to pray before, after and during your opportunities to speak and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ! What ways do you use to reach people with the Gospel on social media? Let us know!

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